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2200 - Statement of Student Rights


  • 位置: 教务长
  • 电子邮件:

最后更新: 2024年3月4日




  1. Students shall be free to organize 和 join associations to promote their common interests.
  2. UI may require student associations to submit a list of officers 和 objectives, but they shall not otherwise be required to disclose their membership.


  1. Students 和 student associations shall be free to examine 和 discuss all questions of interest to them 和 to express their opinions publicly or privately, subject only to civil 和 criminal law.
  2. Students shall be free to support causes by any lawful means.
  3. Student associations shall be free to invite 和 to hear any person at their meetings.
  4. All official student communications media shall have the right to establish 和 maintain internal control of operations 和 content, free from prior censorship. Only for proper 和 stated causes will editors 和 managers be subject to removal, 和 then only by procedures prescribed at a prior date.

第三节——学生的行为. (参见FSH 2100 和 2300)

  1. Student conduct regulations shall be approved by the faculty 和 shall be codified 和 published under the title "Student Code of Conduct 和 Resolution Process" (FSH 2300).
  2. Violations of any rules imposed by University Housing are also violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
  3. No disciplinary regulation shall discriminate against any student in violation of FSH 3200321032153220.
  4. "Disciplinary outcomes" is defined as any outcome imposed for misconduct pursuant to FSH 2300.
    1. Disciplinary outcomes shall not be taken against any student until it has been determined that a code violation has occurred, except when action is necessary to stop a violation or when the situation merits an interim suspension. Procedures for review of code violations are described in FSH 2300.
    2. Disciplinary actions shall be commenced only for alleged violations of regulations that have been properly enacted 和 that are in force at the time of the violation.
  5. Except where new material information is discovered, no student shall be brought up on alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct a second time for the same alleged incident where a previous review/hearing was fully exhausted for the same alleged incident.
  6. Any party to a disciplinary action shall have the right to appeal the decision using the appeal processes detailed in FSH 2300.
  7. Review/hearing bodies must include adequate notice to the parties 和 sufficient opportunity for the parties to prepare their arguments.


Amended March 2024. 小编辑.

2014年7月修订. All disciplinary language from FSH 2200 Statement of Student Rights was consolidated into FSH 2400 和 updated in order to remove redundancies in policy.



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875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
莫斯科, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111


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