Law 学生s getting ready for commencement


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莫斯科,ID 83844

莫斯科,ID 83844



电子邮件: lawtech@battlereadydisciples.com

博伊西,ID 83702

博伊西,ID 83702


电子邮件: lawtech@battlereadydisciples.com


If your professor has indicated in the class syllabus, email or otherwise that clickers will be used in the class, 然后你需要一个点击器.

Below is the information you will need to purchase the correct clicker device, set it up and be ready to go when classes begin.

The 365滚球官网法学院 uses Turning Technologies clickers. There are three models that work with the current version of the software: the Turning Technologies NXT, QT和QT2. If you have multiple courses using clickers then you only need one Turning Technologies clicker for all classes.

Some courses at the 法学院 allow you to use your mobile device to participate in polls. This is a software solution that allows you to download an app or access a web page on your phone, tablet or computer to answer clicker questions.

If you are in a class with a professor teaching locally, then a physical clicker will typically be what you use. However, if you are in a distance class then you will need to use your own mobile device.

Some professors require the physical clicker. Ask your professor or check their syllabus to determine the best solution for you.

Before using a clicker or your mobile device, you will need to set up your Turning Account. 要做到这一点:

  1. 第一次登录 Canvas.
  2. 选择你需要点击器的课程.
  3. Click the “PointSolutions 登记” link in the left-hand column. NOTE: If you do not see this link on the Canvas page, you will need to contact your professor and let them know so that they can add it to the course page.
  4. This will prompt you to set up your Turning Technologies Account (using your @vandals email) and link it with your Canvas account.
  5. Once logged in the Turning Technologies Account Setup Wizard will walk you through redeeming any subscription codes and linking your clicker ID.
  6. If you do not have a clicker or license yet you can skip these steps and return later to redeem your subscription or add a clicker ID.

You must register your PointSolutions subscription in order to use a clicker or your mobile device. New clickers bundles include a one year PointSolutions subscription code in the box. Your clicker will be linked to your Canvas account. You will only need to register the clicker once and it will be usable in any of your classes using Turning Technologies clickers.

Physical clickers and PointSolutions subscriptions can be purchased at the VandalStore or online through the Turning Technologies Online Store. PointSolutions订阅是 要求 and will include the use of your own mobile device and clickers. New clicker bundles include a one year PointSolutions subscription code in the box.

To purchase a clicker or subscription online after creating your Turning Account by following the instructions above, 登录到您的帐户到 学生.turningtechnologies.com. Once logged in click the person icon in the top right corner and select Profile. Once the page loads select “Purchase Clicker” or "Purchase Subscription" button. This will take you to the 学生 store where you can purchase a clicker bundle (includes the 要求 subscription), 独立的订阅, or a standalone clicker (if you already have a subscription).

用一个物理点击器, you will need to select the correct clicker channel, 哪个是由你的教授提供的. 然后输入你的答案.

If you are using your own mobile device, you will need to sign into the PointSolutions网站 然后单击顶部功能区中的“登录”. From there you will need to enter the appropriate session id provided by your professor. When a poll is active the screen will provide the answer choices for you to select.

If you are using an Android or iOS device you can download the PointSolutions by Turning Technologies app from the app store to participate in polls. Once downloaded simply login to the app with your Turning Technologies account and follow the on-screen instructions.

In order to avoid technical issues during clicker questions, it is generally a good idea to get your clicker or mobile device logged in and on the correct channel at the beginning of class. That way it is ready when the professor starts a clicker question.


莫斯科,ID 83844

莫斯科,ID 83844



电子邮件: lawtech@battlereadydisciples.com

博伊西,ID 83702

博伊西,ID 83702


电子邮件: lawtech@battlereadydisciples.com