

See why the U of I 法学院 is an excellent choice for your academic and professional success. 查看我们的viewbook



重要的日子, 课程表, 登记, 荣誉准则, 以及其他给学生的一般信息. 更多的信息



The 教职员工手册 provides an online reference for University of Idaho policies. 查看FSH


The 职业发展 Office (CDO) counsels students and alumni. We evaluate your goals and help navigate your job searches by offering one-on-one counseling, 职业道路上的资源和项目, and access to employers and alumni through our on-campus recruiting events and alumni network.

To assist in our counseling, we utilize an online scheduling system called 爱达荷州法律职业. 另外, students will use this system to apply for job postings, 校外实习期, 记录无偿服务时间, and more.


咨询可以涵盖许多就业话题, 包括如何建立关系网, 如何面试, 工资谈判, 还有简历和求职信的审阅. We also offer career guidance on topics such as “what type of law should I practice” and “how do I look for a job in my area of interest?"

All students can schedule an appointment for individualized counseling on 爱达荷州法律职业.


作为快速参考, 爱达荷州法律职业 also contains a document library with numerous articles, including those with advice for job seekers.


Our counselors have substantial practical experience that we use to assist students in being prepared as they determine the path they will take toward their careers.


  • 模拟面试 - Practice your 面试技巧 with career counselors and professionals. Mock interviews provide students with valuable interviewing experience while offering attorneys an opportunity to meet our students in a one-on-one setting, 虚拟或亲自
  • 〇校园面试 On-Campus Interviewing (OCI) is the process in which law firms and legal employers visit our school during the fall and spring semesters to interview potential candidates for summer and post-graduate employment. Students who perform well in summer positions may be extended an offer of permanent employment after they graduate law school
  • 〇职业规划 The 职业发展 Office puts on programming throughout the year on topics such as resumes and cover letters, 面试技巧, 和网络, as well as various presentations and events on specific practice areas.
  • 个人咨询和职业规划
  • 2L学生辅导计划 The mentoring program provides an opportunity for 2L students to connect with practitioners in their area of interest, 并接受他们的指导. Mentoring activities take place during the second semester of a student’s 2L year.
  • 招聘会—— The 职业发展 Office puts on a Career Fair annually in both locations. This is an opportunity to meet and network with employers, 参加模拟面试, as well as interview for some available positions.
  • 〇衣橱 A clothing closet is available for students needing assistance in obtaining clothes for interviews, 模拟审判和辩论, 出庭作证.  All law students are welcome to visit and pick out new or gently worn and cleaned interview wear and professional clothing throughout the year.  All items are available for law students to keep at no charge thanks to the generosity of our alumni and friends of the 法学院.


We encourage each student to meet at least once a semester with a counselor to ensure they are well prepared for using their J.D. 毕业后. Below is a timeline suggestion for how students can handle their career search activities during the first year of law school.

当学生进入他们的 第二年和第三年, timelines become more customized to the student. You will work with your counselors on yours during your first year.


  • Meet with lawyers who are friends or family members and seek their advice: find out about what kind of law they practice, what they enjoy (and don’t enjoy) about their work, and why they chose to pursue a career in the law.
  • 阅读有关法律职业的一般信息.
  • 追求一份有趣的暑期工作或项目. You need not spend the summer working at a job related to the law, or even work this summer. However, it would be great to do something interesting and enjoyable: travel, 社区服务, 或者是实习.
  • RELAX – The first semester of the 1L year is very challenging. You should try to go into the fall well-rested.


Using the 专业发展时间表 below, 你将发展你的职业身份, assess your strongest competencies and identify the employment options that interest you most. Each semester should provide opportunities to gain experience that tests your employment options and creates evidence supporting your professional development.

Use this Timeline as a checklist to help you navigate your way through law school and to create evidence of your commitment to professional development. 在每个过渡阶段, 重新审视你的最佳选择和技能, as well as your progress on achieving your goals.



The 爱达荷遗产项目 – Rural Services Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support for students serving summer internships, 校外实习期, or pro bono service in rural communities throughout the state of Idaho.